Industry by Mobility

What will be the decisive role of the mobility phenomenon for the industry of the future? What can be the accessibility solutions for the future industrial areas to be more competitive, efficient and livable? How can existing infrastructure evolve into new technologies in the most efficient way?

In the project, Başkent OIZ and its surroundings are reconsidered in the context of improving logistics and transportation opportunities, which are one of the most important inputs of industrial zones. A series of structural interventions have been proposed by examining the logistics possibilities at both Ankara scale and Başkent OIZ scale.

In order to expand the logistics and transportation possibilities, a logistics line, which is described as a boulevard and whose main skeleton is formed by the rail system, has been designed. This line starts from Başkent OIZ and proceeds through Anadolu OIZ. It is aimed to position components such as production areas, social facilities, living areas, accommodation areas in relation to each other around the boulevard.

One of the focuses of the logistics line is the ‘research, application and competence center’ envisaged in Başkent OIZ. Here, it is aimed to create a design and production environment in which the different profiles of workforces interact. In this framework, the infrastructure of a sustainable industrial area is designed based on the integrity of the production and access system.

Yağmur Erişen | Gizem Demirkol | Samira Asadmosaffar